Center for Student Diversity, Empowerment, and Community (DEC)

Message from the Director

The Center for Student Diversity, Empowerment, and Community (DEC) is a student center focused on serving students of color, first generation college students and international students.  

Our mission is to create an inclusive, caring, accepting and dynamic community of learners at Saint Michael’s College. The Center serves as a resource for students and the Office of Student Life in areas such as cross-cultural communication, leadership training and development, cultural awareness, multicultural understanding, student development and identity development issues, in addition to organizing educational and recreational programs for the campus community.

The Center enjoys a very vibrant environment. At any time, you will find a diverse group of students speaking various languages, working on projects, planning activities, discussing current socio-political issues, reading or doing research. The office is very open so any student can walk in and feel welcome and at home in the in this hub of student activity

Enjoy the site. If you have any questions about the clubs that are part of the office or any comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Have a wonderful day,

Sarah M. Childs
Director, Center for Student Diversity, Empowerment, and Community
Associate Dean of Students

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Start with SOAR

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Diversity Coalition

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Martin Luther King Jr. Society

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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

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Civil Rights Alliance

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